'Spy' Drone Disguised as a Hummingbird Captures Amazing Footage of Monarch Butterfly Swarm

Most of the content we produce is generally linked to architecture, or architectural photography in some way. There are however instances where something is so incredible, we have to share it. The video linked above, pretty much defines that category.

In a recent video from Nature on PBS, they demonstrated a somewhat uniquely designed drone. This drone was disguised as a Hummingbird so that it could get close to a monarch butterfly swarm, without disturbing them. The butterflies don’t consider them a threat because Hummingbirds are only interested in nectar. This meant that with the drone, they were able to capture some of the most awe inspiring footage I have seen; in a very long time.

Initially, the butterflies remained huddled together as they waited for the temperature to rise. Huddling together is a good way for them to conserve heat. Once the temperature increases enough, they take flight.

The design of the drone meant that it was able to stay right in the midst of the butterfly swarm, without disturbing or harming them. All of the moving parts on the drone were covered, so butterflies could even land on the drone without being harmed. It’s pleasing to see this level of thought and care and the result speak for themselves.

Check out the full video linked above.