Every Architectural and Landscape photographer needs this!

Tilt shift lenses are by far my favourite kind of lenses. Although they are manual lenses, they offer a huge degree of flexibility and some of the best image quality. There are occasions, however, when you may want to push these lenses to their respective limits by shifting right to the edge of the lens. Doing this, however, creates vignettes in the image and due to Tilt shift lenses not having correction profiles they can be quite tricky to remove in post.

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When full-frame outperforms medium format... Hasselblad H6D-100c review

Ever since I got into photography medium format has been something I've admired from a distance, mainly due to the price. Countless conversations with peers and other photographers lead me to believe that medium format was THE system to use if you wanted the best possible image quality. Over the last few months, I've had the pleasure of being able to test and use the Hasselblad H6D 100c, to determine just how good this system actually is.

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iPhone 7 plus vs 100mp Hasselblad

When it comes to unfair comparisons, this one probably takes the cake. The thing is, there's something quite interesting about nonsense comparisons and that's why I decided to do this one.

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A week with Leica..... and $50,000 worth of equipment

Yesterday I must have spent more than 6 hours looking at different Leica cameras trying to figure out which body and lens is best for me. My wife has heard nothing but Leica this and Leica that and after using and reviewing the Leica SE for a week I might be a little smitten. The Leica S 007 is soon to be released and in preparation for that we decided to review the currently available model.  

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