How to Double the Resolution of Your Images From the iPhone 11 Pro

Over the last few years, smartphones have improved so dramatically that they’re now competing with larger sensor cameras. Using AI technology, cameras in smartphones produce incredible results. The downside o some smartphones is that they still produce a lot of visible noise and the resolutions may not as high as some would prefer.

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Why You Need To Print & What to Print Your Images On

You may have already seen a number of videos or read a bunch of articles explaining why you need to print your images. This is something I wholeheartedly agree with. As a photographer whether professional or not, printing your images will undoubtedly improve your skills and perspective.

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Every Architectural and Landscape photographer needs this!

Tilt shift lenses are by far my favourite kind of lenses. Although they are manual lenses, they offer a huge degree of flexibility and some of the best image quality. There are occasions, however, when you may want to push these lenses to their respective limits by shifting right to the edge of the lens. Doing this, however, creates vignettes in the image and due to Tilt shift lenses not having correction profiles they can be quite tricky to remove in post.

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Canon 5DSR vs 5D Mark IV, which should you buy?

When it comes to buying new cameras, it can sometimes be quite difficult deciding which is best. This seems to be especially true when it comes to deciding between the Mark IV and 5DSR. A number of people have been asking me which of these two would be best to buy and in this review, I aim to answer that question.

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Interior Design and Photography

These days, professional photography is pretty much a requirement for many industries. With more and more people on social media and even better, higher resolution screens on mobile devices, it's illogical to have sub par images demonstrating your service/product. Fortunately for us, our clients only demand the best photography, which not only keeps us on our toes, but also adds allot of value to the work we do.

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Architecture in Leeds city

It's no secret, Leeds city center is one of my favourite places for photographing architecture. The city is in the middle of a development boom and it looks extremely promising. With places like Victoria Gate and Sovereign Square being developed in Leeds, the city is definitely starting to look and feel very modern. The glass and steel structures are really impacting the landscape and although some may disagree, I welcome it.

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