Large Format Is Still Completely Unrivaled: 8x10 vs Fuji GFX 100

In recent times we’ve seen manufacturers produce incredible new cameras. Cameras like the Fujifilm GFX 100. This 100mp medium format camera produces incredible image quality and offers some of the best features that medium format has ever had. I wanted to see how this camera compared to a much older camera system, an 8x10 large format film camera.

In our latest video, we compare an Intrepid 8x10 large format camera to several digital cameras. The digital cameras we shot with were the Hasselblad X1D II with the 45p lens, the Canon 5DS R with the TS-E 45mm and the Fujifilm GFX 100 with the 45mm f/2.8.

For the large format camera we shot with a Fujinon 240mm f/6.7 lens which is somewhat equivalent to a 35mm lens on a full-frame camera. This allowed us to keep the field of view relatively similar for the comparison. With this lens on the large format camera, we able to produce images with resolutions of around 500mp. This is is significantly more detail than any digital camera currently on the market.

Unfortunately, this level of image quality and detail does come with a hefty price. The cost and time required to produce these files is far greater and shooting with film is far less convenient. Despite this, if you’re happy to slog it out and patient enough to work with an 8x10 camera, you have the potential to produce image quality far beyond what any current digital camera can produce.

Check out the full video links above to see how each format compares.