How to Double the Resolution of Your Images From the iPhone 11 Pro

Over the last few years, smartphones have improved so dramatically that they’re now competing with larger sensor cameras. Using AI technology cameras in smartphones produce incredible results. The downside o some smartphones is that they still produce a lot of visible noise and the resolutions may not as high as some would prefer.

Not so long ago, Anete and I produced a video where we demonstrated a technique called mean stacking. This technique allows you to produce far better results than what your smartphone can naively produce. Essentially, what this technique does is it allows you to double the resolution of the images you produce with your smartphone and also increase resolution. This method, when done correctly genuinely does increase the amount of actual data and detail that’s visible in any given image.

Although there are apps available that can automate this process to some degree, it’s still useful to know how this works. It’s similar to going from photographing in auto mode on your camera to shooting in full manual. Automatic, can have certain speed benefits, however when shooting in full manual, the control offers you the ability to produce much better results.

IF you’re interested in learning this technique, check out the full video linked above.